Logistics Games

This document containing super secret SL domination plans by a cabal of creators is still being drafted. Mostly by Rez. It will be full of typoes, and will be re-ordered and re-written frequently.

Please Pardon Our Carbon Nanographene Dust

Also, maybe try not to inhale any. It's best to get a glove, dust mask, wet paper towels, and collect it on the towels in a sealable plastic bag for later reclaimation. That dust is worth more than printer ink by mass and you'll get a tidy sum for recycling it!

Rez is working on completing the entire Plan (see title) he started a decade ago. Things happened in between then, but assets were created, promises are made, and it's now Rez's personal Basilisk that must be completed. Preferably before Second Life goes full virtual or singularity.

Welcome to Acronymized Systems. Running on the same AWS Zone that we think SL is mostly based in. After multiple iterations across many projects, false starts, products build for private entities that both and did not become major services, Rez thinks he has a good design laid out for his final Gridwide Game(s).

The Apps / Games

The current structure looks like this (names subject to change):

ATHR The 'overworld' game where players extract resources, craft things from those, and sell them to the cloud or other players.

  • OrgUnits - Run your own trade organization with appointed members. Participate in global leaderboards. And give your members a cut of the earnings.
  • Coords - The ATHR partition of Untitled Maps Service, coords are sharable between other players or among Orgs
  • Boring - Explore and exploit the grid, 64x64 meters at a time! Drill down to the depth of SL's surface for minerals, salt, oils, etc.
  • Salvage - There's a crap-ton of shipwrecks, sunken planes, kraken carcasses, and skeletons buried around the waters and some land forms of SL.
  • Logistics - Stuff needs to be hauled. As a private transport contractor, you will deliver these boxes, pallets, connexes, to their appointed destinations.
  • Industry - The fine art of turning resources and materials in other, mroe valuable things and materials.
  • Farming - A hyper code-efficient version of all those farming games. Instead of individual cows and crop pots, you're dropping 10m2 or larger 'plots' and cycling resources via the parcel silo. The best part, you don't need to bleed L$ into it constantly.

One More Fishing Game (OMFG!) Travel the mainland, outer lands, visit special fishing waters and parcel-keyed selectable biomes. And then fish. Catch fish. Sell fish for BaitCoin(B$). Buy more baits, lures, upgrade your boat, skill up to open sea fishing. Earn Badges.

Untitled Maps Project / Untitled Maps Service A very successful byproduct of the need for geoimaging data of the SL mainlands. This system displays coordinates and data for a number of locations such as Rez Zones, Vehicle-visitable locations, and more 'search flags' inside curated maps. The display devices (walls, huds, etc) sold are NOT integrated into ATHR. It's more like a public service thing.

App Services A seperate 'tenated' system allowing creators or locale owners to boostrap the data backend side of maintaining information.

  • Your own user accounts table. With balances, display titles, and 64 characters of your own custom app's persistant metadata
  • Your own virtual currency, with ways for users to earn more, spend it, etc.
  • Seperate 'accruals' tracking to pay user salaries, award bonuses, etc at the end of the week or on demand.
  • Appoint Moderators and Admins who can enroll users, set job titles, award currency, etc
  • Control who can rez currency-earning objects, vendors, and WHERE it's allowed.