Septocell Mesh Text
- Text rows up to 49 characters.
- Addressable 7-charscter clickable columns with settable descriptions for custom UI
- Multiple ascii symbols and four fonts in one 20x20 grid texture (. Afphoto file available)
- 400 character icon glyph sheet (optional)
- easy to build text rows and menu columns
- grid cell builder tool can make custom grids in your desired rectangular aspect ratio.
Included Bits
- Septocell 7-charscters + backfsce mesh
- Septocell Display Frame
- Scripts
- Default Textures
- Example Hud
~Display Frame~
The grid arranger will snap to the X positive axis of the referenced link. In cases where you want to 'hide' cells and leave the hidden area interactable, this is better than a cut cube because it saves on LI after linking.
~Septocell 7-Character Cell~
Seven Display Elements, 1 Background Element. It's just simpler to write UI for and allows for per-cell colors and can be re-arranged easier.
This is a standalone configuration with full-perm scripts to help understand the system and scripts to squint at for 'working example' learners (like Rez is)
~Septocell Display - Lite .lsl~
A trimmed version of the display driver without the extended Icon Glyph support or hideable cells.
~Septocell Display - Full .lsl~
Lite, with full Icon Support
~Septocell Tookkit .lsl~
Cell Arranger, Display Tests, Symbol Builder
Advice; Where possible, cut a slice of parcel out as a 'sandbox' for yourself when assembling tiny things. So that you can clean that subparcel later.
The 'easy way'
- Build your HUD
- Where you want to put Septocells, either apply a cube, a flat mesh plane, or our Septoframes where you want them and give them unique names
- Make a backup copy of your build.
Save early, save often.
- Rez one Septocell an duplicate it enough times to populate your hud. Don't be afraid to add more just in case.
- Name one septocell or flat plane 'septoreset' and place it and rotate so it an't be seen by the use rwhen worn.
- Drop in the SeptoTools script.
- Open the SeptoTools sscript and [ varbles here]
- Run The Script.
- Watch the Magic